March 29,2018 – New People on Bikes

So the group ride with Adventure Rowan postponed from last week too place in Tuesday. I really enjoy helping others to learn the not of riding a bike, but particularly kids. Out of the total group of about 20 who attended, 9 felt comfortable enough to venture out on the roads and trails for a short trip.

Cutting behind the shopping center next to the YMCA, we jumped on the sidepath, up a couple of blocks. There we crossed a fairly busy road (the only part of the journey that have me pause) and traveled down a neighborhood street for a quarter mile. There we picked up a greenway trail for about 3/4 of a mile. 

Reaching the end that path, we crossed another road and into a park where we got yet another greenway, this one just a quarter mile or so. At this point, we turned around to retrace our way back.

It was on the way back that the highlight of the trip occurred. After the lead subgroup passed, a herd of four deer jumped out of the woods and across the path, narrowly missing the next four young ladies. After regaining their composure, the group continued on. As I rolled past the point the excitement took place, I glanced to the right an saw yet another deer standing and waiting for us to pass. More patient than the others, I guess.

We finished up the ride and verified that everyone has a good time. I expect we’ll see some of these kids and their parents at the shop before long, looking for their first bike. 

If you’re worried about the next generation of people on bikes, cyclists, or whatever label you want to throw on them, find some group in your area (or start one) and pass on what know and love.

Roll on!

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